Auto-refresh web page meta tags or refresh website js/javascript code learning

Today learn auto refresh web page meta tags and refresh website js code. This is an important thing to do with auto-refresh web page meta tags. Generally, this code is used by new websites who create websites because they are less visitor on their website through this code they use this code to bring their website to the search engine. It also plays a full role in SEO optimization. However, it supports Google. It is not a problem if you use this auto-refresh web page meta tags on a website. Auto Refresh Web Page Meta Tags w3school and it does not have any problem with a unique code. Another word is hidden, which is 30 seconds to 60 seconds, most users set the time for this meta tag. Because every browser accepts this time.

Today we will learn to use Auto Refresh JS Code as well as used auto-refreshing webpage meta tags. With JS code and auto-refresh is possible and it is effective. But while using this code, you should keep in mind that there is no problem with the user, because the user's problem will be reduced by the visitor's website. Then a website is a sad part of the user. Many people use this code on the website to earn more money. Because the webpage is refreshed with ads when refreshing it.
The increases the money on the website.

Hopefully, I can understand everybody better about the auto-refresh web page, if you have any questions, then you can comment that anyone.
Auto refreshweb page meta tags and js image

Auto-refresh web page meta tags:

[ads id="midtop1"]
Use this code head to head tag.

  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30"/>
You can change the time between 30 and 60 seconds. Do not use different seconds because Google does not look good at it.

This code can be used and no problems. Auto-refresh web page meta tags.

Refresh website js/javascript code:-

Use this code body to body tag. <script> | </script>
setTimeout(function(){ window.location.reload(1); }, 30000);
You can change the time [ 30000 ] / [ 60000 ].

Any problem, comment now everyone.

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